Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stupid Ticker Tape free essay sample

Our line was straight. However, if it was not straight, that may have been due to friction f. Yes; whenever the acceleration was constant, it would be a straight line. When there is no acceleration, it is still technically constant, so therefore there would also be a straight line. G. There would have been greater acceleration (steeper slope) if the ramp had been made When the angle is greater/steeper this causes gravity to have a greater affect/influence n the cart on the slope. There is a greater component acting on the cart because of how steep the new ramp would be. C) Conclusion: As a result of this experiment, it can be concluded that the velocity-time graph of an object with constant acceleration is shown by a straight line and the acceleration can be determined by finding the slope. In this experiment, we saw 3 distinct constant accelerations (will be labeled here by as a, b, and c). We will write a custom essay sample on Stupid Ticker Tape or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The cart started off by going down the 80 CM ramp at a constant acceleration of for 0. Seconds.Once it reached the end of the ramp, it decelerated to in 0. 15 seconds. Once it reached flat ground, the cart continued to move with no acceleration( ATA constant velocity of for 0. 525 seconds. Nevertheless, this experiment could have been improved by using a smoother ramp to reduce friction, as well as using a more accurate measuring device. All in all, this experiment proved that a velocity-time graph of an object with constant acceleration is shown by a straight line and the acceleration can be found by finding the slope.

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